Where should your dog sleep?

Where should your dog sleep? It’s very important to find a good answer to this question. It is your duty as a dog parent to choose the best spot for your dog’s naps. A night of good sleep is very important for your dog’s health. Your dog also needs a good spot to sleep every night.

A perfect sleeping spot depends on your dog’s needs. If you want to ensure the good well-being of your dog, it’s very important to find a good sleep spot for them. Like humans dogs are different, and the best sleeping solution is based on:

  • Age
  • Personality
  • Lifestyle

Let’s have a brief look at the needs of your puppy or adult dog separately.

Also Read: https://www.houseofpetz.com/5-dog-sleeping-positions/

Puppies and their sleeping needs

Your puppy will see their parent as a role model. That way your pup needs a proper direction to grow as a disciplined dog. Puppies are full of energy that’s why they pass out asleep after just some minutes of running and playing.

Don’t leave your puppy alone at night or during sleeping, it could be dangerous. Allow your puppy to sleep next to you, and avoid leaving them in a separate room. Your puppy may feel lonely and need company.

Also Read: https://www.houseofpetz.com/common-sickness-in-puppies/

Dogs and sleeping needs

Most adult dogs are well trained and don’t destroy things. You can allow them more freedom at your home. Place your dog crate or bed anywhere in the house, and let your dog decide where he feels comfortable.

Your dog may want to sleep in another room entirely, even if you keep your bedroom door open. Some dogs prefer to lie on the cold floor; it completely depends upon your dog breed and nature.

Should you allow your dog to sleep in your bed?

Some people don’t allow their dogs to sleep in their bed, and some allow them to sleep their dog with them. If everybody who uses your bed is comfortable, then there is no problem. Several benefits come with having your dog sleep in the same bed as you.

It is a great opportunity to help you and your dog to grow closer. It will help you to enjoy a deeper sleep.
Of Course, there is some downside as well to have with your dog. Your dog can take a lot of space. Here are some pros and cons.


  • It will provide you more time to cuddle with your cute critter.
  • No separation anxiety.
  • Less likely to be scared at midnight.
  • It will provide your dog with more protection, against cold weather.


  • If you are dealing with general energies, it is not good for both of you to sleep together.
  • Your dog could fall off the bed and injure himself.
  • Your dog can bring diseases into your bedroom.

Dog crate

A dog crate is a good spot for your dog to lay his head and an extremely useful training tool. There are many benefits of having your dog sleep in a crate, and you won’t have to worry about what will happen if he jumps in the middle of the night. If your dog causes trouble when you are not around, a dog crate will keep him contained.

Crate training is important, if you’re potty training a puppy also a good sleeping spot. Keep your dog crate clean because dogs usually want to keep their sleeping area clean. Your dog will also prefer the protective atmosphere of a crate, that sense of security is also good for you if he gets anxious especially during a stressful event like heavy rain or storm.

Also Read: https://www.houseofpetz.com/crate-training-for-dog/

Dog bed

You can set up a specific dog bed for your dog. These beds are available in the market in various designs and sizes; select the perfect one for your dog. In which they feel comfortable.

If you don’t give your dog a specific spot to sleep, your dog may find a spot around your house where he can take a nap. A good dog bed can help your dog to have an extra comfortable space to sleep.

Inside or outside your room

Where do you want your dog to sleep inside or outside the same room as you? Sharing a bed is so alluring because dogs become very attached to their human parents.

It’s completely fine to keep your dog’s bed or crate in your room if you don’t want to share your bed with your dog. There are some reasons to keep your dog closed out of your room because some dogs will wake up their pet parent in the middle of the night by making a noise. It is best to sleep in separate rooms to make sure everyone gets a good night’s sleep.

Sleep on couch

Usually, dogs prefer a soft area that is soft and comfortable and likes to be somewhere close to us. Many pet parents allow their dogs to sleep on the couch if they feel like it.

A couch can be a place for your dog where they can absorb the comforting and feel secure. Some pet parents don’t allow their dog to sleep on the couch because they think it could cause aggressive behavior in their dog. Your dog sleeping on the couch isn’t much of an issue. But first, ask the question can you get your dog off the bed when you want to? If your answer is “yes” then, great!


As you can see there is not one strict answer to that question. The best position for your dog to sleep depends upon preferences. As long as your dog is happy and comfortable, any one of these spaces can be perfect. You can try different sleeping arrangements until you find the best one for your dog.

Article by jahanzaib ( petrevolt.com) www.houseofpetz.com

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