Everything To Do During The First 48 Hours With A Newborn baby Puppy

Puppies are extremely sensitive during the first few weeks of their lives. Mainly, the initial 48 hours can be a deciding period in whether they proceed to nurture healthily. Infection and Lack of oxygen are the most significant dangers during birth.

Besides, you need to learn about the type of puppy you are having. For instance, if you are having golden retriever puppies. Then, you must go through every detail about them. Only then can you take care of them properly.

Therefore, it’s crucial to follow the tips we have mentioned below to make your puppy grow healthy. The main objective of this article is to help you in taking better care of your newborn puppies.


Try to avoid visitors and guests as much as you can during the early hours of your puppy’s birth. Visitors or guests may add unnecessary stress to the momma and make her overprotective of her puppies. Also, it is a crucial time for the babies to make a bond with their mommies and nurse properly.

Besides, you should take special care of the more scared pups. In a letter, there are often one or two puppy babies that are pretty dominant. The caregiver requires extra attention to the sacred ones so that they do not feel neglected. It makes no difference if you have german shepherd pups or puppies of any other breed. In terms of how they interact at first, they’re all the same.

A Clean Environment

Newborn puppies will stay in the pen or box during the first few weeks of their birth. Therefore, it is essential to plan everything wisely while preparing before their arrival in the world.

The puppy’s living space should have enough room for the mother to stretch out and lie down comfortably without squeezing the puppies. It must also be easy to access so that you can change the bedding daily to ensure hygiene.

Keep The Newborn Puppies Warm

You should keep the puppies in a warm room. If you keep them with their mother, they will try to stay cuddled up with her and get her body heat to stay warm. They are unable to maintain a constant body temperature. As a result, they require heat from outside sources.

Though, when mom gets a break or just leaves to go outside, they need to have another source for warmth. Therefore, You can place a heat lamp in the puppies’ room to keep the room warm.

Also Read: https://www.houseofpetz.com/where-should-your-dog-sleep/

Start Potty Training

As soon as you take your new puppy to their home, you need to take them to their “potty spot.” When they are eliminated, applaud them straight away with plenty of encouraging vocalizations and a treat. Moreover, try to be sure they go for potty outside the house before taking them indoors.

After your puppy gets inside, you should plan on potty breaks after every two hours. Though accidents are bound to happen, you can start your puppy on the right paw by making a schedule straight away.

Common Nursing Issues

It is an excellent idea to check on the puppies and momma after every few hours. It is to assure that they are all nursing well and staying warm during the 1st 48 hours.

You need to place these newborns on a hind teat. Also, you should check continually to make sure they are getting the warmth and the right amount of milk that they require.

Furthermore, you should also be on the lookout for symptoms of eclampsia in the momma dog. Eclampsia is a condition caused by an inadequacy of calcium within the mama’s body. It results in her being incapable of fulfilling the calcium requirements of her puppies. Eclampsia happens most often during the production of peak milk.

Also Read: https://www.houseofpetz.com/dogs-do-not-bite-without-reason/

Inspect The Puppies’ Health

After ensuring that all of the puppies have been nursed well and are staying warm, you should finish a physical inspection to make sure they are healthy. Also, get advice from a veterinarian on what to inspect during the inspection of newborns.

Healthy newborn puppies should have a functioning urethra and anus, according to a veterinary specialist.

  • There is no cleft palate.
  • A good suck reflex.
  • A well-kept coat.
  • Mucous membranes that are pink and wet. When Should You Be Concerned? If you’re concerned about a mother dog’s or her puppies’ health. Please schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. If your puppy exhibits any of the following symptoms, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible: Diarrhea Weight gain is poor.
  • Constant crying due to diarrhea
  • Breathing problems
  • Restlessness
  • Coughing or wheezing
  • Nasal or eye discharge
  • Inability to defecate or urinate
  • Pale gums

Taking care of a newborn puppy needs attention to detail and commitment.

You should not wait for the puppies to get extremely sick. The immune systems of newborn puppies are way weaker than those of grown-up dogs. Therefore, it is always best to be in touch with a vet to prevent any severe illness.

Also, do not postpone their deworming or any other medications. Their vaccinations, regular medical checkups, and vet visits should always be on time.

Also Read: https://www.houseofpetz.com/what-to-do-when-your-dog-gets-pregnant/

Take Away

If you ask all pet owners who have experienced taking care of a newborn puppy, they will answer the same thing. That is, it takes plenty of hard work. Let’s be honest, the first 48 hours with your newborn puppy can be tricky and challenging.

Puppies have plenty in common with human newborns. They need activity, company, and lots of interaction. Often, they cry and have casualties as they are learning how to survive in the world.

When you go through the first day, you and your baby puppy will start to settle into a routine together. Though occasionally, you might require some help. Therefore, employing an in-home daycare provider or a loving pet sitter will give worry-free care to your beloved new pup. Also, if you do not intend to keep the little ones, you can post ads of puppies for sale to give them in caring hands.

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