How to Housetrain an Adult Dog

It’s never too late to housetrain your dog. Whether you’ve just adopted an adult dog or you’ve had your furry friend for a while, it’s important to make sure they know where to do their business. The good news is, with a little patience and consistency, housetraining an adult dog is totally possible. Here’s what you need to know.

Create a Training Schedule

One of the most important things you can do when house training your adult dog is to create a regular schedule. When your dog knows when they can expect to go outside, they’ll be more likely to hold it in until then. Here is how you can create their training schedule

  • First Thing In The Morning – When your dog wakes up, take them outside to pee right away. If they do their business, give them lots of praise and maybe even a treat.
  • After Playtime – After your dog has had some time to run around and burn off energy, take them outside to go potty. Again, if they do their business, be sure to celebrate.
  • After A Walk – If you take your dog on regular walks, make sure to bring them outside to pee when you get home. They may have already gone while out on the walk, but it’s always good to give them an opportunity just in case.
  • Before Going To Bed – Before you head to bed for the night, take your dog out one last time to relieve themselves. This will help prevent any accidents in the middle of the night.

Set Rules for House Training

In addition to having a set schedule, there are some other important rules you’ll need to follow when housetraining your adult dog.

  • Never Leave A New Dog Alone – If you’ve just adopted an adult dog, it’s important that you never leave them alone until they’ve been fully housetrained. This means keeping them with you at all times or having someone else do so. The last thing you want is for them to have an accident while you’re gone and then associate being alone with going to the bathroom.
  • Always Give Rewards And Treats – Whenever your dog goes potty outside, be sure to give them lots of praise and maybe even a treat. This will help reinforce the behavior you want them to display.
  • Consider The Size, Nature, And Age Of The Dog – When house training your adult dog, it’s important to keep their size and age in mind. Smaller dogs may need to go more frequently than larger dogs, and younger dogs may need to go more often than older dogs. Besides this, the nature of the dog also matters the most.
    For instance, training pug puppies may take a little longer than other breeds, simply because of their stubborn streak! But with positive reinforcement and perseverance, your puppy will learn where they should (and shouldn’t) do their business in no time.
  • Take Action When The Dog Shows Signs Of Pee – If you see your dog start to squat or sniff around, that’s usually a sign that they have to go. So, take them outside right away to avoid an accident.

What to Do in Case of an Accident

Despite your best efforts, accidents may happen from time to time. If they do, here’s what you need to do

  • If The Accident Happens In Your Presence  – If you’re with your dog when they have an accident, the best thing you can do is calmly take them outside and show them where they should go. Avoid scolding them or making a big deal out of it, as this will only make the situation worse.
  • If It Happens In Your Absence – If you come home to find that your dog has had an accident, the best thing to do is clean it up immediately and then take them outside so they can finish going. Again, avoid scolding them as this will only serve to upset them.

How to Clean a Dog’s Pee  –  Tips

When your dog has an accident, it’s important to clean the area thoroughly to prevent any lingering odors.
First, soak up as much of the urine as possible with paper towels or a cloth. Then, use a pet-safe cleaner to disinfect the area.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the cleaner to ensure that it is effective. Finally, ventilate the area by opening a window or using a fan. This will help to remove any remaining odors.

If you have a carpet, you may also need to shampoo it to remove any lingering odors. You can use a pet-safe shampoo, or you can make your own by mixing 1 part vinegar with 3 parts water. Apply the mixture to the affected area and let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing it off.

What to Do If Nothing Works?

If you’ve been following all of the tips and tricks and your dog still isn’t housetrained, there may be a bigger issue at play. In this case, you’ll need to take some additional steps

  1. Go For A Medical Check-Up – It’s always a good idea to rule out any possible health issues that could be causing your dog’s accidents. So, if nothing else seems to be working, take them to the vet for a check-up.
  2. Check Behavioral Issues – There may be some underlying behavioral issues that are causing your dog to have accidents. If this is the case, you’ll need to work with a professional to help address these issues.

More Tips on House Training

  • Be patient: Housetraining, an adult dog, can take some time and patience. Avoid getting frustrated and keep up with your regular schedule and rules.
  • Use a crate: If you’re having trouble keeping an eye on your dog at all times, consider using a crate. This will provide them with a safe space and help prevent accidents.
  • Supervise closely: When you’re first housetraining your adult dog, it’s important to supervise them closely. This means keeping them with you at all times or confining them to a small space.
  • Be consistent: It’s key that you be consistent with your housetraining efforts. This means having a regular schedule and following the same rules each time.


Housetraining an adult dog may take some time and effort, but it’s definitely doable with patience and consistency. By following the tips and tricks in this article, you’ll be on your way to a fully housetrained dog in no time!

1 thought on “How to Housetrain an Adult Dog”

  1. Thank you so much for this article! I loved how thorough and detailed you were throughout the process. I recently rescued a chihuahua whom I found wondering around my neighborhood and am wanting to get him to stop using the potty pads. I will definitely be trying out your tips and tricks:)


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