How to Handle Your New Bird

One of the biggest challenges that pet owners face, at least when it comes to birds, is how to handle your new pet bird. In the process of finding a bird, you end up buying an expensive cage, toys, perches, and food. But what you don’t think about is how to take care of your new bird and teach him/her about the world around it.

This article is dedicated to the birds that live in the household (and perhaps outdoors) and how to take care of them. The goal of this article isn’t to teach you how to treat your bird, but rather to explain what not to do.

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Below are some tips to help you take care of your new bird.

  1. Never approach your bird without getting some distance first  – This is something new pet owners tend to do. You get a bird and immediately begin approaching it. Incorrect handling of new birds often leads to injuries. A new bird is naturally scared of things that are unknown to him/her. A new bird is likely to be scared of people, too. If you approach your bird without getting some distance first, you will only serve to scare it and cause the bird to hurt itself.
  2. Be patient with your bird – It is very important that you be patient with the bird. You should never rush to get to know your bird, but rather allow it some time out in the wild (where it belongs). It might take some time for the bird to integrate into the household, but it will do so in its own time. You are likely to scare your new bird when you approach it too fast, too soon.
  3. Never pick up your bird – Picking up your new bird will only serve to scare it. Birds are naturally afraid of human hands, and this kind of treatment (being picked up) will only serve to make the bird scared of humans. It is best that you allow your new bird to adjust to the world around it without picking it up. When your bird is ready to be picked up, it will eventually let you know. Make sure that you never force your bird into a position that it doesn’t want to be in.
  4. Provide coverage for your bird– Your bird will need to get used to these strange things that it is seeing and experiencing. You should provide coverage for your bird until it adapts to the environment. This means that for most of the time (at least until it is fully adapted), your bird is to be allowed out of the cage.
  5. Make sure you can feed your bird – When it comes to feeding, the best way is with feeder cups. These will help you avoid having your bird become afraid of you. Feeding in this manner helps in teaching your bird how to deal with food that is being given to it.
  6. Provide the right kind of food – Providing the right kind of food is also important in helping your bird adapt. It is important that you feed your bird a diet that is heavy in seeds and nuts. This kind of diet will help the bird learn how to eat without fear.
  7. Make sure you play with your bird – The best way to show your bird the love you have for it is by playing with it. Make sure that you play with your bird often. This will help in making your bird feel comfortable in its new home.
  8. Make sure you provide it with toys – Your bird will need to release some of its energy. To this end, you should provide your bird with toys, so that it can play around. However, it is important that you avoid giving too many toys to the bird. This will only serve to make your bird become over-stimulated.

With these tips, you should be able to take care of your new bird. Your new bird will need some time to adjust to its new environment. Once it is familiar with its new home, it will be able to integrate with you and the rest of the household.

If you do not follow these tips, your new bird might end up getting injured. So, make sure that you get acquainted with the right way of handling your new bird.


This article was written by Joey Miller from Vine House Farm, a high-quality bird specialist company in the UK

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