10 Natural Home Remedies for Dog Ailments

If your dog gets ill it is a natural and appropriate reaction to call the vet, particularly if your dog has an underlying medical condition, but if you end up rushing to the vet for every tiny problem the bills can soon add up.

The good news is, if your dog has a very minor complaint unrelated to a prior illness there are many home remedies which you can try, to help provide relief yourself, without a huge bill, using ingredients from your kitchen cupboard. Here are ten natural home remedies you can use with your dog for common, simple ailments:

Try Vitamin E Oil

If your dog spends a lot of time outside or suffers from dry skin try using vitamin E oil – you can break open capsules and rub the liquid onto the skin to moisturize your dog without any problems if he decides to look it off. You can also add vitamin E Oil to his food to ensure he is receiving the nutrients he needs to support his skin.

Electrolyte drinks

If your dog suffers from diarrhoea he will lose fluids and electrolytes so you can try giving your dog flavour-free sports drinks or electrolyte-replacement drinks to help support his body to rehydrate. Speak to your vet before choosing which drink to use and how much to give.

It should also be plain, non-flavoured sports water – don’t give your dog any other kind of sports drinks and if in doubt, always speak to your vets. If your dog has serious diarrhoea problems then make sure you take him to the vet.

Plain yoghurt

Plain yoghurt can be a treat for your dog and can help to support your dog’s digestive system. But don’t give it to him too often and seek doggie versions wherever possible. If you are going to give your dog yoghurt make sure it is only ever plain and only ever as an occasional treat. You can even mix a dollop of yogurt with your choice of dog food.

Probiotic supplements

You can buy probiotic supplements from pet shops or from the vets and these can also help to support your dog’s digestive system – make sure you buy those designed specifically for dogs and follow the dosage guidelines.

Camomile tea

Camomile tea can be used to support upset tummies. Brew the tea and cool it, then add to his food or water bowl and it will help to reduce muscle cramps. It can also help to reduce any inflammation in your dog’s stomach lining.

Camomile is also a good treatment to sooth red or raw skin; make a strong tea, allow it to cool and then fill a spray bottle with it. You can then spray the solution onto the sore area to sooth without sting.


Try using an oatmeal poultice to help ease your dog’s itchy skin or itchy feet – the best part is it tastes good too so it doesn’t matter if he licks it off after. Try grinding up oatmeal and adding it to water to make your own poultice and then apply it directly to the inflamed areas.

Epsom salts

If your dog has any sores or wounds you can try using Epsom salts – these are particularly good for soaking sore paws. You can also add them to warm water and apply to wounds or sore areas to provide relief and encourage healing.


There are a number of uses for oils with your dog but one of the best ones if is you don’t like to use the traditional harsh flea prevention medications. Always seek advice before using any kind of essential oils.

However, coconut oil can work effectively as a flea repellent so try giving it to your dog in his food or simply apply it directly to his skin. Use a flea comb daily to get the fleas out of your dog’s coat and then bathe him in natural dog shampoo.

You can create your own at home by adding diluted tea tree oil to your dog’s shampoo but seek advice from your vet first. If your dog is infested with fleas you will need to seek proper help from your vet to sort these out.

Natural shampoos for regular cleaning

Make sure when you are buying dog shampoo that it contains natural ingredients and isn’t going to dry out your dog’s skin. Choose one with oatmeal and natural oils to help moisturise and soothe your dog every time you bathe him.

Look for natural ingredients which are going to help support his skin, particularly if he has any kind of skin irritation or itchy conditions happening at the moment.

Liquorice root

Look for liquorice root formulated products from your pet shop or vet to help reduce your dog’s itchiness. Liquorice root contains cortisone which helps reduce skin irritation and will help to stop your dog from scratching and creating sore patches.

If your dog is itchy from fleas you can try using drops of liquorice root but as it contains cortisone, which is a type of steroid, you should always seek veterinary advice, particularly if your dog is taking any other kinds of medication in case of any reactions.

When it comes to serious conditions or recurring illnesses you should always take your dog to the vet, no question, however, if they are suffering from itchy skin or having a one-off tummy upset it is quite possible to help provide immediate relief with one of these 10 home remedies.

So why not avoid expensive non-essential trips to the vet by trying out one of these natural home treatments the next time your dog comes home from his walk with sore paws, or has an itchy dry patch of skin?

Camomile tea, olive oil and coconut oil are all ingredients which can easily be bought in the supermarket and found in the back of most people’s cupboards so why not dig them out and reassign them to be dog ailment remedies:?

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